"Romagna mia, Romagna in fiore you are the star you are love" no one, not even foreigners at least once in their life did not sing this song and we Romagna know it!
This is the land of the LISCIO and CASADEI , and if by now this dance is not too fashionable among the youngest, it remains a too important tradition in Romagna and therefore we have seen fit to rediscover it with a great event!
In June from 7 to 9 there will be the first edition of this great event: "Dancing on the waves" the title says it all!
We are in fact organizing three days of dancing and fun on the beach of Bellaria Igea Marina , all barefoot to learn the most famous of the folkloristic traditions of Romagna after the tagliatelle: the SMOOTH!
Attention the event is not dedicated only to the nostalgic: to the grandparents who danced the lenses a few decades ago .... in fact you who are young will have the opportunity to learn this art from true masters . And maybe then give an emotion to your grandfather giving him a dance: it will be a nice gift for them, a small gesture that will fill their heart with pride for their nephew who will share what was a great passion for them.

- the first sun , in still semi-deserted beaches
- the first photos posted on vacation, with relative envy by all friends
- the hotels on the beach that welcome you with open arms
- the tranquility of walking on the bagnoasciuga feeling only the sound of the waves
- VIP treatment at the lowest price throughout the summer
If you are a new parent , you know how important grandparents are : they help you babysitting every day, or by taking your child to the nursery or nursery school, they reveal the tricks of many old natural remedies. They too deserve a vacation and it would be a nice gift to share it. Choose June your child can stay on the beach a few more hours as the sun does not burn too much and the grandparents can have fun dancing on the music of the orchestras directly on the beach!
Trust the Hotel Marcus :
- we always assure you free parking
- a sincere and traditional cuisine , and if you are the mother of a child in the weaning phase, you don't have to worry we do it all!
- forget the Romagna-style bathrooms, the ones where you take a shower anywhere in the bathroom: there is a real xxl shower box
- on your balcony overlooking the sea , you will also have a small drying rack to dry your costume
- light suitcases: we give you the beach towels
- no selection of games to take to the beach: your child can bring as many as he wants because then he can leave them in the cabin for free use
- and, if you are not interested in sunbathing and prefer to stay outdoors in peace reading the newspaper, we have a huge shady garden!